Some  Cd productions that I have either recorded, mixed, mastered or played on! 

Here is music from many projects with Ethnofonik and Ethno France Allan made as main artistic leader . Listen to all the editions on soundcloud..  link here

Beach House Music.

Is a recording studio located in Sofielund, Malmö, Sweden. 
Allan has recorded, mixed, produced and played on a various of Cd´s. 
Amongst the artists are Dame Wiggens, Stefan Östersjö, Mårten Falk,
Gitte Pålsson, Ethno Fonik (5 editions), Hanna Tibell, Midgren|Skrobe|Quartey and more...

What do we offer more....

Allan Skrobe who is CEO of the company, our head studio engineer and producer, also a well known musician in the Ethno Network, working as teacher at the Academy of Music in Malmö are leading workshops around the world and also playing with his bands Lidija Dokuzovic Trio , Mazguf Ensemble, and the latest project MIDGREN/SKROBE/QUARTEY - A swedish folk trio.
For music visit  the Youtube channel: ethnoallan

Please contact us  if you are interested for a concert, workshop, music production, recording, arranging and more ... All within music 

Copyright Productions - - info(at)